Kendal Museum is happy to help with any enquiries about items in our collections, and we also provide an identification service for finds. We encourage academic research on items in the collection. Due to limited staff time, this can only be done by making an appointment in writing and applying at least three weeks prior to the requested date.
If you would like to apply for access to the collections for research purposes, please email one of the curators below. There is a set charge of £25 plus VAT per morning or afternoon session for curator’s time.
We require the names of two independent referees who will be contacted before an appointment can be made.
Please contact Morag Clement (Archaeology) or Carol Davies (Natural History) with enquiries.
Additional Sources of Research and Information in Kendal & Cumbria:
Kendal Library (Local History Department): 01539 713520
Kendal Record Office (Archives): 01539 713540
Tullie House Museum, Carlisle: 01228 618718
Kendal Tourist Information Centre: 01539 797516